I&O Partners Contributed to The Corporate Governance Review
I&O Partners Contributed to The Corporate Governance Review

I&O Partners Contributed to The Corporate Governance Review

What are the disclosure obligations of listed companies? How does the increasing importance of ESG awareness affect the operation of listed companies? Which current trends drive changes to the relevant legislation? Our senior partner Risto Ojantakanen and senior associate Helena Wist have discussed these and other topical issues relating to the governance of Finnish listed companies in their publication in the newest edition of the Corporate Governance Review.

The publication can be found on the website of The Law Reviews: https://thelawreviews.co.uk/title/the-corporate-governance-review and even as a hardback copy.

Risto Ojantakanen
Risto Ojantakanen
Senior Partner
Helena Wist
Helena Wist
Senior Associate

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